Oney Plays Animated: Hypothetical Dictator

Описание к видео Oney Plays Animated: Hypothetical Dictator

Self Critique and other information below.

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Episode -    • Oney Plays Kingdom Hearts WITH FRIEND...  
Intro Music -    • Видео  

Self Critique
Oh dear, my eyelids may as well be sandbags, but regardless I'll rant about whats went on my mind throughout the process
In all honesty, I'm surprised an animated on this episode hasn't been done before, at least not to my knowledge so I may as well try it out.

The initial idea sparked when I mentioned to my sister "It'd be pretty cool if that episode was kinda animated like that FLCL manga segment." I also wanted to do something like every animation I do, something about it visually will be different; and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. The idea seemed easy enough in theory, but I came across a couple of hurdles.

The first being audio, specifically trying to shorten down that entire episode's worth of content into with a clear beginning, middle, and end. So I spent quite a bit of time trying smoothly transition these cuts with one another, and was able to accomplish something near the 2 minute mark. So I thought, sweet! Manageable.

Now the first segment was easy and familiar enough, just had to do what I did in my last video and pretty much ran into no problems.

Where the real problems began was trying to make the manga/comic pages. Because there were few things I realized.
1. I didn't know ANYTHING about properly making pages. From paneling, speech bubbles, utilizing effectively onomatopoeia (which I only did once since I only realized it at the end), and trying to properly arrange them in a pleasing composition
2. My linework, character/shape exaggeration isn't strong (which is highly important for this sorta work), so I'm venturing into a very uncomfortable zone
3. I had to work with massive resolutions so extreme close ups don't end up being too pixelated, which makes the program slow down which discourages me from making more movement that I would ideally want.
4. Learning new things about After Effects and trouble shooting why crap wasn't working. This was probably the most frustrating part since AE just seemed unreliable at times, only to find out I unticked on box or something like that which lead to the whole project essentially messing up

There were probably other problems that happened but none spring to mind at the moment, so what do I think about the end product? I think I accomplished my original idea, make an Oneyplays animated inspired by the FLCL manga scene. So that was neat. I don't think this was as funny as the previous one, since the hospital animation had a proper 'puncline' of sorts, whereas this video was about a bunch of guys rambling on about a topic frantically; and conveying it through this style seemed appropriate.

What I probably dislike the most is how 'fast' things went. Things kinda just zipped and zoomed so it doesn't let your eyes and brain properly process what you've seen, but I guess some sort of humor can be found in that? I don't know, I think my comedic timing just feels off in some places, and for me to create new assets and rework it for better timing purposes would make wanna jump of the nearest mountain.

I'm an awfully slow artist mind you, so when somebody asks for something quickly, I honestly try my best. Which is a skill I'm slowly trying to develop. It's the reason why I started these animations, to essentially force myself to get sick of constant renders and find quicker way to render or alternative appealing styles.

So yeah, I think that's all I gotta say.
There's probably a bunch of typos but I won't be bothered editing/fixing all these, much like I did in my previous animated video.

Anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings



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